员工要闻 //www.wowhunts.com/the-signal info@websolutions.com //www.wowhunts.com/the-signal/meet-regional-manager-irina-toore-heald///www.wowhunts.com/the-signal/meet-regional-manager-irina-toore-heald/来认识一下区域经理Irina Toore-Heald

区域经理,Irina tooe - heald与肯特科学分享了悠久的历史。manbetx体育首页她于2004年首次加入Kent团队,15年来一直是公司的重要资产。这些年来,她在北美、欧洲和亚洲提供销售和支持。她目前在美国和加拿大提供演示,安装系统并协助客户。她丰富的知识基础为肯特科技的产品开发做出了重大贡献。manbetx体育首页我们产品的许多特点是直接结果的Irina’的能力带来“声音的客户”进入设计过程。irina的宝贵见解为研发、工程、市场和销售做出了贡献。不过,与客户一对一的合作是她的首要任务。她觉得拜访客户,一步一步地向他们展示如何使用肯特公司的产品是至关重要的。 During her demos, Irina recommends specific products and answers questions. She’s currently holding “Lunch and Learn” meetings in both the U.S. and Canada.

While Irina has worn many hats over the years, one thing has not changed: her commitment to provide exceptional support to the research community. Over the years, researchers across the globe have looked to Irina as a trusted resource for information on products and applications.

Irina’s future goals are to introduce more customers to Kent’s unique, innovative products that save researchers’ money and offer new, exciting options, as well as to continue to develop and expand  new relationships in the international market.

Irina by the numbers:

  • 12 countries traveled
  • 4,000 labs visited
  • 10,0000 researchers trained

Thank you Irina for many years of service at Kent Scientific!

Would you like to speak to Irina about a Kent product? Do you need help with the sales process? Email her at itoore@kentscientific.com.

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